Celebration of the Mass
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest during the mass. Children who have been confirmed and made their First Holy Communion are invited to become altar servers.
A yearly roster is drawn up for Altar Servers to serve at the weekend Masses. Currently this means a commitment of twice a month, but where possible, one of these is on the fifth weekend, which occurs 4 or 5 times per year. Training is provided for all who wish to be involved in this ministry.
A yearly roster is drawn up for Altar Servers to serve at the weekend Masses. Currently this means a commitment of twice a month, but where possible, one of these is on the fifth weekend, which occurs 4 or 5 times per year. Training is provided for all who wish to be involved in this ministry.
Altar Society
The Altar Society at St Michael’s consists of groups of parishioners (men, women and children) who clean and decorate the church, and arrange the flowers for weekend Masses. The Altar Society welcomes new members to help in this role.
Church Liturgy
In St Michael’s Parish a Liturgy Committee assists Fr Tom in developing the Word of the Lord, by preparing liturgies (particularly at major liturgical events, such as Advent, Easter and Pentecost) that welcome and enrich parishioners and involve them in the celebration of the liturgy.
The Committee also prepares candidates for First Communion and Confirmation, and on a weekly basis, writes the Prayers of the Faithful.
The planning and the logistics of putting together celebrations such as Easter are spiritually very fulfilling but also time consuming. Additional members with new ideas to reinvigorate the liturgy would be very welcome and will receive all the information and support necessary to enable them to contribute quickly and effectively to the development of parish liturgies.
Parishioners who would like to learn more about the Committee and its work, with a view to becoming a member of the Committee, are urged to contact committee members.
The Committee also prepares candidates for First Communion and Confirmation, and on a weekly basis, writes the Prayers of the Faithful.
The planning and the logistics of putting together celebrations such as Easter are spiritually very fulfilling but also time consuming. Additional members with new ideas to reinvigorate the liturgy would be very welcome and will receive all the information and support necessary to enable them to contribute quickly and effectively to the development of parish liturgies.
Parishioners who would like to learn more about the Committee and its work, with a view to becoming a member of the Committee, are urged to contact committee members.
Collection Counters
Members of this group count the money from the collection plates at weekend Masses. Currently the members in the group are called upon at intervals of 4 to 7 weeks depending on their preferences and availability. Rosters are produced twice each year in January and June.
Ministers of Communion
Ministers of Communion assist the Priest with the distribution of Communion in parish liturgies. They are called not only to minister the Body and Blood of Christ, but also to be an example of Christ.
A yearly roster is drawn up for Ministers of Communion who minister at the weekend Masses. Such rosters generally require a commitment of once per month. Many of the weekend ministers also visit the housebound as well. Training is provided for all who wish to be involved in this important ministry.
A yearly roster is drawn up for Ministers of Communion who minister at the weekend Masses. Such rosters generally require a commitment of once per month. Many of the weekend ministers also visit the housebound as well. Training is provided for all who wish to be involved in this important ministry.
Participating as a Reader is a practical way to be involved in the Mass. Reflection on the readings of the day is an important way to prepare for this.
Readers are expected to be at the church at least 10 minutes before Mass begins, and be part of the procession at the beginning and end of Mass. Readers need to allow time before a weekend Mass to ask one or more parishioners to read the Prayers of the Faithful.
A yearly roster is drawn up for Readers at the weekend Masses to read at the Mass of their choice (where practical). Generally this means a commitment of once a month. Two readers are rostered on at a time. Training is provided for all who wish to be involved in this ministry.
Readers are expected to be at the church at least 10 minutes before Mass begins, and be part of the procession at the beginning and end of Mass. Readers need to allow time before a weekend Mass to ask one or more parishioners to read the Prayers of the Faithful.
A yearly roster is drawn up for Readers at the weekend Masses to read at the Mass of their choice (where practical). Generally this means a commitment of once a month. Two readers are rostered on at a time. Training is provided for all who wish to be involved in this ministry.
Welcoming Committee
The Welcoming Committee endeavours to contact new members to our parish, and welcome them to our Church and Parish community.
New parishioners are invited to put their name and contact details in the ”New Parishioners” book on the table at the main entrance to the church. They are encouraged to quickly feel part of the parish through joining one of the many groups in the parish. Information on these is available on this website, from the visiting Committee member, or from the parish office.
New members to this committee are always appreciated.
New parishioners are invited to put their name and contact details in the ”New Parishioners” book on the table at the main entrance to the church. They are encouraged to quickly feel part of the parish through joining one of the many groups in the parish. Information on these is available on this website, from the visiting Committee member, or from the parish office.
New members to this committee are always appreciated.